Summer Series 2021: Minor Prophets 1.0 – Obadiah Pt.2: The Kingdom Shall be the Lord’s – Darren Barkman


This Weeks Text: Obadiah: 1:15-21

The book of Obadiah is chiefly a prophecy of judgment against Edom although at points this judgment is extended to non-Edomite territories surrounding Judea. Indeed the book looks ahead ultimately to the “day of the LORD” of judgment upon “all nations”.

There is an invading army but identity of the invading enemy assisted by Edom is not explicitly stated but it is most likely the Babylonians who sacked Jerusalem in 586 BC.

An understanding of the origin of Edom and the history of Edomite-Israelite relations is essential for appreciating Obadiah’s message. The nations of Edom and Israel were descended from Isaac’s twin sons Esau and Jacob whose relationship as brothers was frequently tense.

In basic form and content Obadiah is much like other prophetic oracles proclaiming judgment against foreign nations and salvation for the people of God.