Simon Says 2.0: A Study Through 2 Peter – (pt8) Remember How You’re To Wait – Pastor Greg Clark


This is weeks Text: 2 Peter 3:11-18


The purpose of 2 Peter is twofold: to expose such false guides for what they were (hence the colorful diatribe of chapter 2) and more important still to set before the churches the conditions of survival when doctrinal and moral perversions infiltrate their fellowships appearing to carry all before them. 2 Peter then is a homily on Christian growth set in the context of threats to Christian stability from a type of destructive and heretical teaching (2: 1–3) that is as common today as it was in apostolic times and that seems to hold out a perpetual attraction to some vigorous evangelical communities.

This letter’s theme—a proper knowledge of God—is incredibly relevant in our age. There is a desperate need in the world today for direction for clear truth according to real knowledge. After all the church today is wrestling with significant questions and Christians need answers that enable them to know God in accordance with truth. At least three such contemporary questions are taken up in Second Peter. First can someone come to know God without knowledge of Jesus as God’s Son? Second can one know God and yet abandon the rigorous life that the apostles required of those who profess Christ? Third can you know God and reject the notion that Jesus will return?

In an insecure world where contradictory views on the gospel and its demands persist we need reliable footing a sure foundation to keep us from stumbling. Peter’s aim in writing this second letter is simply to provide that foundation to establish the feet of the church on higher solid ground. The letter has at least three distinct aims. First this letter is written to establish strengthen and stabilize Christians in the true knowledge of God. Second the letter intends to rebuke warn and correct those among us who teach and revel in any other knowledge of God. Finally this letter aims to rescue and reclaim the faithful who have tripped and fallen along the way.