Advent 2020: Seeing the Unseen – The Unseen Kingdom – Darren Barkman


Advent is supposed to be a season of waiting a season of expectation. Sadly Advent is forgotten or at best pushed to the back burner. With all of the lights and tensile and gift buying and parties to attend the celebration of the long awaited messiah can easily become a one day a week tip of the cap.

The aim of our series this year is to make sure that all of the things the we see in front of us don’t block our hearts and minds from seeing what is truly important the Unseen majesty of God. May be be people who seek His Kingdom not the kingdom of earth. May we be people who live for His Glory alone and not the fading glory of now. May we be people who bask in the greatest Love of all the love God has poured out upon us through His Son.Advent 2020: Seeing the Unseen – The Unseen Kingdom